Bill Smith, Founder and CEO of Inseparable, named Chief Influencer


The Communications Board names Founder and CEO of Inseparable, Bill Smith, as a Chief Influencer.

Chief Influencer’s host, Anthony Shop, discusses with Smith the importance of authentic communication, transparency, and finding resonating language in advocating for mental health policy changes.

Smith shares his experiences from the marriage equality movement and the significance of understanding different audiences and clear messaging. Smith also emphasizes the value of social listening as a research tool and the importance of a multimodal approach to research.

Smith's work with Inseparable focuses on combining data-driven research with personal stories to impact mental health policy and bring about change. Smith believes in the power of encouragement and authentic communication to build trust and relationships with stakeholders.

Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Bill Smith
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies

The Communications Board