Bruce Mehlman, Founding Partner of Mehlman Consulting, named Chief Influencer
The Communications Board names Bruce Mehlman, Founding Partner of Mehlman Consulting, as a Chief Influencer.
Bruce Mehlman discusses the value of sharing insights freely and widely with Chief Influencer’s Anthony Shop. He explains that not only does he enjoy sharing his work, but it also leads clients and others to recognize his expertise. By sharing his work with a larger audience, Mehlman believes it increases its value and builds his influencing power. He also acknowledges that others may improve upon his work, highlighting the value of collaboration and the potential for unexpected insights to come from unexpected places. Mehlman ultimately sees his work as part of a broader effort to shape public policy during an extraordinary time in history, and he emphasizes the importance of paying attention to government and Washington for business leaders.
Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Bruce Mehlman
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies
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