Bryan Corbett, President and CEO of the Managed Funds Association, named Chief Influencer


The Communications Board names Bryan Corbett, President and CEO of tMFA, as a chief influencer.

Corbett speaks with host Anthony Shop about significance of data-driven storytelling in advocating for the alternative investment industry.

Throughout the conversations, Corbett emphasizes the importance of countering skepticism with compelling stories and data, making the industry relatable to various audiences. 

Corbett also shares his experience as a veteran of both Washington and Wall Street, leading MFA, an association representing global alternative investment industry members, and the importance of communicating the role and impact of alternative investments to policy makers, investors, businesses, and the media. 

Later in the episode, Corbett highlights the use of data to support arguments and the importance of effective communication, particularly in addressing preconceived notions and educating people about accurate information. 

Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Bryan Corbett
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies

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