Bill Furlong, CEO and Co-Founder of SquareStack, named Chief Influencer


The Communications Board names Bill Furlong, SquareStack CEO and the Author of Appify Your Business, as a Chief Influencer. 

In his conversation with Chief Influencer host, Anthony Shop, Furlong discusses his experiences and insights on the evolving landscape of B2B marketing. Furlong explains that more students are interested in a career in B2B marketing, fueled by the dual revolution of technology companies being more visible to consumers and new tools available in the tools' toolbox. 

Furlong also notes the shift in B2B marketing brought about by the availability of target audiences on the internet and explains how companies can use this technology to follow potential customers around and target their marketing efforts to specific industries, events, and interest groups.

Furlong also talks about the importance of understanding the persona of a business buyer and using authenticity and conversational marketing in B2B messaging. Furlong mentions the use of micro-targeting, the importance of building thought leaders, and the benefits of companies positioning themselves as thought leaders and curators of knowledge within their domain expertise.

Furlong emphasizes the importance of content marketing and how leveraging senior team members, including executives and industry experts, can help in curating knowledge and insights for a target audience. Furlong also discusses the ease and affordability of the Amazon ecosystem, which can be used as a platform for monetization and building a brand for small businesses.

Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Bill Furlong
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies

The Communications Board