Camille Stewart Gloster, Former White House Cyber and AI Czar, named Chief Influencer


The Communications Board names Camille Stewart Gloster, former White House Cyber and AI Czar, as a chief influencer.

In this episode of Chief Influencer, host Anthony Shop discusses with Stewart Gloster the importance of empowering change through technology and AI.

Stewart Gloster Stresses the significance of feeling empowered in the technology space, particularly in cybersecurity, and encourages people to engage despite feeling overwhelmed. 

Stewart Gloster also touches upon the importance of collaboration between industry, government, and civil society to create meaningful policies and the need to respect boundaries and prioritize open communication to facilitate trust and alignment. 

Stewart Gloster encourages individuals to get up to speed with AI technology and use it as a tool, while emphasizing the importance of education and understanding its limitations.

Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Camille Stewart Gloster
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies

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The Communications Board