Patrick Sallee, President and CEO of Vibrant Health, named Chief Influencer


The Communications Board names Patrick Sallee, CEO of Vibrant Health, as a Chief Influencer. 

CEO of Vibrant Health and author of "The Solitary CEO,"  Patrick Sallee, talks to Chief Influencer’s Anthony Shop about his experiences in leadership roles. Sallee cautions that many leaders struggle with feelings of being trapped and resentment towards the people they lead and work with, which can form barriers to success. Sallee advises leaders, whether they are CEOs or in other leadership roles, to re-ground themselves in the basics of their work and to get back to doing the things they used to do before their career to regain perspective.

Patrick Sallee discusses the importance of breaking down silos in the nonprofit sector and how it can help leaders achieve their impact. Sallee emphasizes that stakeholders, including board members, employees, community partners, funders, and clients, all have different expectations and outcomes they want to see. Sallee suggests that leaders should focus on the mission of the organization and prioritize the needs of the clients they serve, as this will result in better outcomes for everyone.

Sallee talks about the importance of being transparent and vulnerable in leadership. He discusses how sharing his personal story and experiences helped him to connect with others and be successful in his work. Sallee also talks about how inspiration can come from unexpected places and how he draws inspiration from people in his community who are leading organizations and businesses. He mentions Tyler Enders and Dan Smith as specific examples of individuals who have inspired him with their creativity and focus on people and community.

Host: Anthony Shop
Guest: Patrick Sallee
Producer: The Communications Board
Sponsor: The George Washington University College of Professional Studies

The Communications Board